As I'm sure you know, we've seen more snow than usual this winter. On the news I've been hearing, "Oh this blasted snow!" while others have been saying "We've had a hard winter." I have to admit that all the while I have been saying "This is best time of year for knitters!"
Today my dear mother and I were leaving the house for an afternoon jaunt. We layered up and I met her at the door. "Wait a sec mom," I said "Look at all the handmade knitwear we're wearing!" I puller her outside into the sunshine (though it snowed all evening this morning beheld the bluest of skies) and I gave my dad the camera. We had to get a picture of our knitwear in use. And worn all at once - might I add.
My mom and I were wearing ten knitted items. My mother had on one of her hand spun, dyed, and knitted vests under a sweater made by the same mastered skill. She also wore socks and a hat which she made and a pair of mittens one of her students so sweetly gave her. I was wearing my own socks and sweater with a scarf and hat made by my mom and mittens made by my aunt Suz. We were well suited for the walk. Actually, once we got going I realized I was a little too warm and had to take a layer off. The least I can say is we were two very happy knitters! Now we just need knitted long-johns.

2 pretty ladies wearing all those lovely handmade things too : )