On the 3rd of July we celebrated July 4th at Penland by having a parade. The classes were invited to participate and my group, the Sculptural Knitters, came up with the idea to knit as we marched - why not? But we can already knit and walk at the same time (we're great multi-taskers) so we needed to up the stakes. We decided to knit caution tape with people as the row holders. Can you picture it? We casted-on around Jenna, Karen, Sharon, and Ronda. Carolyn crossed in front of the marching row while the ladies lifted the loop around their waists up over their heads. Then Carolyn ran back across with a new line of caution tape and the ladies lifted loops again. Our name was "A Cautionary Tale" and we had a long one by the time the parade was over.
Adrienne wore a ball of yarn on her head, Leslie carried Miss Penland 2010, Lexi and I played drums from recycled ketchup cans and we sang and had a chant! We went above and beyond -- and laughed a lot in the meantime.